
  • Dwi Cicilia Lingwits Purnomosidi Universitas Brawijaya
  • Eko Ganis Sukoharsono Universitas Brawijaya


Sustainable Business, Pentuple Bottom Line, Pegadaian Digital Service


This study aims to analyze the use of the Pegadaian Digital Service (PDS) system with sustainable business through a pentuple bottom line perspective, involving the object of the study PT Pegadaian, Malang City. This study employs a qualitative descriptive approach and analyzes the data from interview data collection, documentation, and observations of the Pegadaian Digital Service (PDS) application. The results of the study revealed that the use of the PDS application system in the community still posed a major challenge for PT Pegadaian, due to the lack of socialization. However, the PDS application is still compatible with the pentuple bottom line, making this sustainable business through a pentuple bottom line perspective well implemented.



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How to Cite

Purnomosidi, D. C. L., & Sukoharsono, E. G. (2022). MEMBANGUN BISNIS BERKELANJUTAN DENGAN PERSPEKTIF PENTUPLE BOTTOM LINE MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI PEGADAIAN DIGITAL SERVICE (PDS). Reviu Akuntansi, Keuangan, Dan Sistem Informasi, 1(1), 143–153. Retrieved from